These are the currently implemented try selectors:
auto: Have tasks chosen for you automatically.
fuzzy: Select tasks using a fuzzy finding algorithm and a terminal interface.
chooser: Select tasks using a web interface.
again: Re-run a previous
based push.empty: Don’t select any tasks. Taskcluster will still run some tasks automatically (like lint and python unittest tasks). Further tasks can be chosen with treeherder’s
Add New Jobs
feature.syntax: Select tasks using classic try syntax.
release: Prepare a tree for doing a staging release.
scriptworker: Run scriptworker tasks against a recent release.
compare: Push two identical try jobs, one on your current commit and another of your choice
perf: Select categories of performance tests to run, and produce a before/after compare view link.
You can run them with:
$ mach try <selector>
See selector specific options by running:
$ mach try <selector> --help