Performance scripts

Performance scripts are programs that drive the browser to run a specific benchmark (like a page load or a lower level call) and produce metrics.

We support two flavors right now in perftest (but it’s easy to add new ones):

  • xpcshell a classical xpcshell test, turned into a performance test

  • browsertime a browsertime script, which runs a full browser and controls it via a Selenium client.

  • mochitest a classical mochitest test, turned into a performance test

In order to qualify as performance tests, both flavors require metadata.

For our supported flavors that are both JavaScript modules, those are provided in a perfMetadata mapping variable in the module, or in the module.exports variable when using Node.

This is the list of fields:

  • owner: name of the owner (person or team) [mandatory]

  • author: author of the test

  • name: name of the test [mandatory]

  • description: short description [mandatory]

  • longDescription: longer description

  • options: options used to run the test

  • supportedBrowsers: list of supported browsers (or “Any”)

  • supportedPlatforms: list of supported platforms (or “Any”)

  • tags: a list of tags that describe the test

Tests are registered using tests manifests and the PERFTESTS_MANIFESTS variable in files - it’s good practice to name this file perftest.toml.

Example of such a file:


xpcshell tests are plain xpcshell tests, with two more things:

  • the perfMetadata variable, as described in the previous section

  • calls to info(“perfMetrics”, …) to send metrics to the perftest framework.

Here’s an example of such a metrics call:

# compute some speed metrics
let speed = 12345;
info("perfMetrics", JSON.stringify({ speed }));

XPCShell Tests in CI

To run your test in CI, you may need to modify the _TRY_MAPPING variable found here. This will allow us to find your test file in CI, and is needed because the file mappings differ from local runs. The mapping maps the top-level folder of the test to it’s location in CI. To find this location/mapping, download the target.xpcshell.tests.tar.gz archive from the build task and search for your test file in it.

The XPCShell test that is written can also be run as a unit test, however, if this is not desired, set the disabled = reason flag in the test TOML file to prevent it from running there. See here for an example.


Similar to xpcshell tests, these are standard mochitest tests with some extra things:

  • the perfMetadata variable, as described in the previous section

  • calls to info("perfMetrics", ...) to send metrics to the perftest framework

Note that the perfMetadata variable can exist in any <script>...</script> element in the Mochitest HTML test file. The perfMetadata variable also needs a couple additional settings in Mochitest tests. These are the manifest, and manifest_flavor options:

var perfMetadata = {
  owner: "Performance Team",
  name: "Test test",
  description: "N/A",
  options: {
    default: {
      perfherder: true,
      perfherder_metrics: [
        { name: "Registration", unit: "ms" },
      manifest: "perftest.toml",
      manifest_flavor: "plain",
      extra_args: [

The extra_args setting provides an area to provide custom Mochitest command-line arguments for this test.

Here’s an example of a call that will produce metrics:

# compute some speed metrics
let speed = 12345;
info("perfMetrics", JSON.stringify({ speed }));

Existing Mochitest unit tests can be modified with these to be compatible with mozperftest, but note that some issues exist when doing this:

  • unittest issues with mochitest tests running on hardware

  • multiple configurations of a test running in a single manifest

At the top of this document, you can find some information about the recommended approach for adding a new manifest dedicated to running performance tests.

Locally, mozperftest uses ./mach test to run your test. Always ensure that your test works in ./mach test before attempting to run it through ./mach perftest. In CI, we use a custom “remote” run that runs Mochitest directly, skipping ./mach test.

If everything is setup correctly, running a performance test locally will be as simple as this:

./mach perftest <path/to/my/mochitest-test.html>

Mochitest Tests in CI

To run your test in CI, you may need to modify the _TRY_MAPPING variable found here. This will allow us to find your test file in CI, and is needed because the file mappings differ from local runs. The mapping maps the top-level folder of the test to it’s location in CI. To find this location/mapping, download the target.mochitest.tests.tar.gz archive from the build task and search for your test file in it.

The Mochitest test that is written can also be run as a unit test, however, if this is not desired, set the disabled = reason flag in the test TOML file to prevent it from running there. See here for an example.

Custom Script

Custom Script tests use a custom/adhoc script to execute a test. Currently, only shell scripts are supported through the ScriptShellRunner. In the future, other types of scripts may be supported through the addition of new test layers. These types of scripts support both mobile and desktop testing within the custom-script flavor.

Custom Shell Scripts

A shell script test must contain the following fields as comments somewhere in the code:

# Name: name-of-test
# Owner: Name/team that owns the test
# Description: Description of the test

Optionally, it can also contain a line that starts with Options: to denote any default options. These options are similar to other test layers. For these custom script tests, a valid JSON string is expected in this field.

These scripts have a BROWSER_BINARY defined for them which will point to the binary (or package name on mobile) that is being tested. By default, this is Firefox. If a different binary is required, --binary can be used to specify it, or --app if the application is known and can be found automatically (not guaranteed).

Once everything is setup for your shell script test, you can run it with the following:

./mach perftest <path/to/>


This flavor/layer enables running all tests that produced a performance alert locally. It can either run the basic test without any options, or it can run the exact same command that was used to run the test in CI by passing the --alert-exact option. The --alert-tests option can also be used to specify which tests should be run from the alert.

The following command can be used as a sample to run all the tests of a given alert number:

./mach perftest <ALERT-NUMBER>

Note that this layer has no tests available for it, and new tests should never make use of this layer.


With the browsertime layer, performance scenarios are Node modules that implement at least one async function that will be called by the framework once the browser has started. The function gets a webdriver session and can interact with the browser.

You can write complex, interactive scenarios to simulate a user journey, and collect various metrics.

Full documentation is available here

The mozilla-central repository has a few performance tests script in testing/performance and more should be added in components in the future.

By convention, a performance test is prefixed with perftest_ to be recognized by the perftest command.

A performance test implements at least one async function published in node’s module.exports as test. The function receives two objects:

  • context, which contains:

    • options - All the options sent from the CLI to Browsertime

    • log - an instance to the log system so you can log from your navigation script

    • index - the index of the runs, so you can keep track of which run you are currently on

    • storageManager - The Browsertime storage manager that can help you read/store files to disk

    • selenium.webdriver - The Selenium WebDriver public API object

    • selenium.driver - The instantiated version of the WebDriver driving the current version of the browser

  • command provides API to interact with the browser. It’s a wrapper around the selenium client Full documentation is available here

Below is an example of a test that visits the BBC homepage and clicks on a link.

"use strict";

async function setUp(context) {"setUp example!");

async function test(context, commands) {
    await commands.navigate("");

    // Wait for browser to settle
    await commands.wait.byTime(10000);

    // Start the measurement
    await commands.measure.start("pageload");

    // Click on the link and wait for page complete check to finish.

    // Stop and collect the measurement
    await commands.measure.stop();

async function tearDown(context) {"tearDown example!");

module.exports = {
    owner: "Performance Team",
    test_name: "BBC",
    description: "Measures pageload performance when clicking on a link from the",
    supportedBrowsers: "Any",
    supportedPlatforms: "Any",

Besides the test function, scripts can implement a setUp and a tearDown function to run some code before and after the test. Those functions will be called just once, whereas the test function might be called several times (through the iterations option)


A Python module can be used to run functions during a run lifecycle. Available hooks are:

  • before_iterations(args) runs before everything is started. Gets the args, which can be changed. The args argument also contains a virtualenv variable that can be used for installing Python packages (e.g. through install_package).

  • before_runs(env) runs before the test is launched. Can be used to change the running environment.

  • after_runs(env) runs after the test is done.

  • on_exception(env, layer, exception) called on any exception. Provides the layer in which the exception occurred, and the exception. If the hook returns True the exception is ignored and the test resumes. If the hook returns False, the exception is ignored and the test ends immediately. The hook can also re-raise the exception or raise its own exception.

In the example below, the before_runs hook is setting the options on the fly, so users don’t have to provide them in the command line:

from mozperftest.browser.browsertime import add_options

url = "''"

common_options = [("processStartTime", "true"),
                  ("firefox.disableBrowsertimeExtension", "true"),
                  ("", "'-a'"),
                  ("", "'android.intent.action.VIEW'"),
                  ("", "'-d'"),
                  ("", url)]

def before_runs(env, **kw):
    add_options(env, common_options)

To use this hook module, it can be passed to the –hooks option:

$  ./mach perftest --hooks perftest_example.js